Discoglossus pictus  Otth, 1837
Taxonomical Classification:  Animalia / Chordata / Amphibia / Anura / Alytidae
Painted Frog, Mediterranean Painted Frog     Żrinġ
Further Information:
The painted frog is the only amphibian species on our islands and additionally it is endemic (Only found in Malta). The adult and tadpoles are strictly protected by law (LN311/2006) and cannot be caugth and taken from the wild. Probably few locals know this because it is a common sight to see youngsters and parents alike catching this species from wetlands such as Buskett Woodland (Wied il-Luq) or Chadwick Lakes (Wied il-Qlejgha).

3 different subspecies are known, Discoglossus pictus subsp. pictus or Mediterranean Maltese Painted Frog, found at altitudes up to 1500m, Discoglossus pictus subsp. scovazzi or Mediterranean Moroccan Painted Frog, occurring from sea level up to an elevation of 500m, although it is usually found below 100m and finally Discoglossus pictus subsp. auritus or Mediterranean Spanish Painted Frog which is found in Spain, the province of Gerona and possibly also found on the maltese islands.

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